Modpack Cottage Witch by HeyKatu
- 39834
- 70.50 MB
- 1.19.2
- October 18, 2022
- August 3, 2023
- ExplorationMagicQuestsVanilla+
Name | Cottage Witch |
Author | HeyKatu |
Description | A cozy vanilla++ modpack with witchy vibes |
Information | Downloads: 39834 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 70.50 MB Updated at: August 3, 2023 Created at: October 18, 2022 |
Tags | Exploration Magic Modpacks Quests Vanilla+ |
Cottage magic is a type of modern, contemporary eclectic witchcraft practice that utilizes domestic magic. It emphasizes the magic in everyday things such as cooking, crafting, and decorating one's surroundings. Cottage Witch has a similar emphasis, expanding on the mechanics of cookery, artisanry, and decor - and, of course, magic. It enhances the natural world that your adventures take place in, both by overhauling biomes and wildlife.
It intends to mostly preserve the vanilla progression, augmenting it with balanced items and new mechanics. The pack also provides Quests to lead you through much of the content, making it suitable for those who are new to mods, or who prefer not to consult a wiki in another tab. You can find additional information about the pack and its mechanics in the Pages tab of this project.
The modpack now has TWO versions - 1.18 and 1.19. The 1.18 version is no longer supported. At their heart, this is the same modpack. However, 1.19 has a slightly altered modlist and many additional quests.
Update 3/11/22: Regarding Installation Errors -
Unfortunately Curseforge has introduced a bug which causes all versions of the modpack containing "BetterTips" to fail to install. You will instead get the error "Missing file for mod "The Hammer Tools Extension and More" (|D: 632142) in database. Aborting installation." I believe this is due to an issue with the way Curseforge references mods in the manifest.json file, which is what tells the launcher what to install. The most recent version/s of the modpack (1.8.8+) should install correctly. However, unfortunately all older versions, including the 1.18 versions, are affected - and to fix them would require manually recreating every single update without the BetterTips mod, which is not happening. Until Curseforge fixes this issue, please install only versions 1.8.8+ of the modpack. Thank you.
[1.18 and 1.19]
Ars Creo
Ars Elemental
Ars Instrumentum
Ars Nouveau - a high-concept, customizable magic mod which allows you to create your own spells with Glyphs, using the Source energy that flows through all natural things.
Hexerei - a naturalistic witchery mod focusing on herbs and brewing, as well as adding flying brooms!
[1.19 only]
+ Casting Crystals
+ Hibernal Herbs
+ Dave's Potioneering
+ StarbuncleMania
[1.18 only]
- Mystic Alchemy
Farming and Cooking:
[1.18 and 1.19]
Alex's Delight
Brewin and Chewin
Create Slice and Dice
Farmer's Delight
Farmer's Respite
Overweight Farming
Nether's Delight
[1.19 only]
+ Caupona
+ Collector's Reap
+ Create Central Kitchen
+ Spice of Life: Sweet Potato Edition
[1.18 only]
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Create Confectionary
- Large Meals
- Spice of Life: Apple Pie Edition
- Vegetarian Delight
Building and Decorating:
[1.18 and 1.19]
Another Furniture
Better Lily Pads
Building Gadgets - Looking for schematics for BG? Try these by Howester!
Connected Glass
Create Crystal Clear
Dark Paintings
Decorative Blocks
Display Case
Double Slabs
Dramatic Doors
Fantasy's Furniture
Macaw's Bridges
Macaw's Doors
Macaw's Fences and Walls
Macaw's Paintings
Macaw's Paths and Pavings
Macaw's Trapdoors
Macaw's Windows
Night Lights
Sooty Chimneys
[1.19 only]
+ Colorful Azaleas
+ Effortless Building
+ Handcrafted
+ Macaw's Roofs
+ Mallad's Paintings
+ Pane in the Glass
+ Twilight Forest: The Lost Blocks
[1.18 only]
- Bushier Flowers
- ConnectedTexturesMod
- Connectible Chains
- Cozy Cabincore
- Placeable Blaze Rods
- Multibeds
[1.18 and 1.19]
Alex's Mobs - Note that most insects and certain hostiles in this mod have been disabled to preserve coziness and prevent phobia.
Baby Fat
Creatures and Beasts
Creeper Overhaul
Critters and Companions
Domestication Innovation
Friends and Foes
Goblin Trader
Straw Golem Rebaled
[1.19 only]
+ Kiwi Boi
+ More Axolotl Variants
+ What Did You Vote For
+ Final Kobold
[1.18 only]
- Ambient Additions
- Realistic Horse Genetics
Quality of Life:
[1.18 and 1.19]
Akashic Tome
Anvil Restoration
Better Advancements
Better Tips
Bow Infinity Fix
Charm of Undying
Chunk Loaders
Clickable Advancements
Cosmetic Armor Reworked
Crafting Tweaks
Crying Ghasts
Cycle Paintings
Deepslate Tweaks
Default Options
Diagonal Fences
Easy Magic
Elytra Slot
Enchantment Descriptions
Enhanced Mob Spawners
Enigmatic Graves
Equipment Compare
Even Better Amethyst
Extreme Sound Muffler
Fast Leaf Decay
Fix Experience Bug
Fixed Anvil Repair Cost
Forgiving Void
FTB Essentials
FTB Ultimine
Inventory Essentials
Inventory Sorter
Item Collectors
Jump Over Fences
Just Enough Items
Just Enough Professions
Just Enough Resources
Loot Beams
Modified Anvil
Mouse Tweaks
Scaffolding Drops Nearby
Sound Physics Remastered
Starter Kit
The One Probe
Time in a Bottle
Toast Control
Tom's Simple Storage
Visual Workbench
Xaero's Minimap
Xaero's World Map
[1.19 only]
+ Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Player
+ Beenfo
+ Advancements Tracker
+ AttributeFix
+ Auto-Smelting
+ Axolotl Bucket Fix
+ Better Beacon Placement
+ Better F3 Plus
+ Better Tridents
+ Biomes in Jars
+ Climb Ladders Faster
+ Comforts
+ Farsight
+ Followers Teleport Too
+ Functional Storage
+ Gilded Netherite
+ JSON Entity Models
+ Just Enough Paintings
+ Leap
+ Loot Integration
+ Max Health Fix
+ Mob Catcher
+ No Night Vision Flashing
+ Old Combat Mod
+ Overloaded Armor Bar
+ Quests Addition
+ Sculk Transport
+ Simple Backups
+ Spawn Balance Utility
+ Step
+ Swing Through Grass
+ Trade Cycling
+ Waystones Waypoints
[1.18 only]
- Beehive Tooltips
- Auto-Smelt
- BetterF3
- CleanCut
- Gilded Armor
- Golden Age Combat
- Infinity Water Bucket
- Just Enough Effect Descriptions
- Pet Tracker
- Pettable Bees
- Portable Mobs
- Shulker Enchantments
- Storage Drawers
- XP Tome
[1.18 and 1.19]
End Remastered
Integrated Dungeons and Structures
Missing Wilds
Nature's Compass
Oh the Biomes You'll Go
The Twilight Forest
Yung's Better Dungeons
Yung's Better Mineshafts
[1.19 only]
+ Better Villages
+ Choicetheorem's Overhauled Villages
+ Deeper and Darker
+ Explorer's Compass
+ Dungeons Plus
+ Sky Villages
+ Spelunkery
+ Structory
+ Structory: Towers
+ Swampier Swamps
+ Underground Villages
+ Yung's Better Desert Temples
+ Yung's Better Witch Huts
[1.18 only]
- Infernal Expansion
- Repurposed Structures
- Structure's Compass
- The Lost Castle
- Twilight Tweaks
- Verdure
[1.18 and 1.19]
Advancement Frames
MC Story Mode Armors
Ring of the Enderchest
[1.19 only]
+ Better Fishing
+ Big Fish
+ Tarot Cards
+ Extended Mushrooms
+ Majrusz's Accessories
+ Majrusz's Enchantments
+ More Music Discs
+ Moyai
+ Mystical Oak Tree
+ Nether Depths Upgrade
+ Quark Oddities
+ Ring of Attraction
+ Useful Slime
+ Villagers Plus
[1.18 only]
- Aquaculture
- Collector's Album
- Creative Items
- Custom Villager Professions/Trades
- Illuminations
- Mystical World
- The Wild Backport
[1.18 and 1.19]
Better FPS
Entity Collision FPS Fix
Entity Culling
Magnesium/Rubidium Extras
Server Performance - Smooth Chunks
[1.19 only]
+ Lazy DFU
[1.18 only]
- DrawerFPS
- Feature NBT Deadlock
- Krypton Reforged
[1.18 and 1.19]
FTB Teams
[1.19 only]
+ Contact
+ Heartstone
[1.18 only]
- Snail Mail
Cool Seeds:
These seeds are for the 1.19 version:
8735146298124424485: near a floating village, abandoned camp, ruined nether portal.
-764017785885797307: Village near spawn, right next to Serpent's Labyrinth. Cool terrain generation in nearby Ebony Forest.
8093500456248903380: Official server seed.
These seeds are for the 1.18 version:
-7785041122901537801 (begins in a Weeping Witch Forest)
7888667103521074798 (begins in an Autumnal Valley by a badass mountain. Village at -336, 73, -301. Weeping Witch Village at -332, 65, 79)
3240547053769874513 (begins near a Prairie, with gorgeous mountains to the north)
Feel free to comment with your own!
This modpack was designed to be used on mid-range computers, and 4-6gb of RAM is suggested. This modpack is also NOT compatible with OptiFine, but it includes Oculus if you want to use Shaders! All screenshots are taken using Complementary Shaders v4 - which is my favourite shader pack, and I highly recommend it!
Need Help? Join our Discord!
We now have our very own Discord Server where you can pop in to ask questions or offer feedback. Bug reports and crashes should be posted on GitHub, however.
Support the Modpack!
Are you interested in hosting a server of your own, and would like to support the modpack? Consider hosting through, our official partner! They are a quality host with good products, good customer service, and a great community. You can host any modpack through them - or even other games if you like! - but if you want to host Cottage Witch, choose the 4gb server option if you have 5 or fewer players. Otherwise, 8gb is a great choice if you have under 10.
You can save 20% off your first month's hosting by using this link:
Note that with the new Curseforge redesign, you'll need to copy and paste the link. The geniuses at CF have broken outgoing links. 🙄